Wage Gap

This paper is meant to speculate on the topic of the wage gap. There are dissimilar factors, which define the wage gap. Ladies frequently place more importance to the relations - caring for youngsters, husbands, parents - than to own careers. Additionally, females are far more likely to work part-time. Whilst the part-time work often augments the flexibility, part-time workers lose out on promotions and wage increases. Part-time work tends to presuppose the lower hourly pay as well. Moreover, ladies incline to the spheres of economy, which compensate workers at the lower degrees. Therefore, the "wage gap" is not about employer’s discrimination against females but about females making discriminating choices.

Besides, few women negotiate the future salary. Existing rules in the employment law have allowed employers to hide behind the saying "she did not ask for higher salary" as a legitimate ground for offering females less than males for the same job. Unfortunately, historically, females are taught not to negotiate the salary. Inflexible gender-based stereotypes and norms of conduct force ladies to be modest and wait to be offered what they deserve rather than discuss it. At the same time, negotiating may at times hurt female candidate. The candidates who ask for higher wages before obtaining a formal job offer are usually not hired at all.

Women's work-life models and the occupational preferences are crucial factors in determining salaries. Females usually select low-prestige, low-wage and part-time employments due to the flexibility they provide. Thus, skill level, permanent status and working hours, and not gender, predetermine wages.

Nowadays, the normal income of females is one quarter less of males’ salary, though the results differ among demographic groups. Besides, when females work just as males do, the salary gap is tiny. So, claims of uneven salary always include comparing apples and oranges. 

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