Plastic guidelines
This is an organic compound that is common on planet earth. Almost 33% of plant matter consists of cellulosic. Currently, cellulosic is obtained from cotton and wood pulp. These are mainly used in paper and paperboard productions. There are different manufacturers of cellulosic products. POET is a longtime producer of ethanol that uses the existing infrastructures in moving into cellulosic production of ethanol (Hamad, 2002). This manufacturing company will be responsible in converting corn cobs from the kernel and fiber to cellulosic ethanol. Range fuels is another manufacturing company of cellulosic. It uses a thermochemical procedure in turning biomass to synthetic gas later to fuel. Coskata produces cellulosic ethanol in its production lines. Logen is another manufacturing company producing cellulosic ethanol. There are different brand names that cellulosic has. These are, Thermoguard and Cell-Pak (Hamad, 2002).
Environmental impact of Cellulosic
The components of cellulose insulation that are not yet recycled are environmentally desirable to the raw materials of different types of insulations. This cellulose does not emit gaseous emissions that are significant like the other foam insulations that have a higher potential in global warming than carbon dioxide (Updegraff, 1969). The raw materials toxicity of these insulation types is typically high in the course of installation or manufacture. This is not a vital issue with cellulose. Additionally, cellulose is dust irritant. It needs one to wear a dust mask when installing it. This matches well to the probable risks of cancer of the fiberglass.
According to Hamad (2002), cellulose insulation embodied energy is the lowest of all the insulation types that are popular. It needs twenty to forty times more energy in producing insulation materials paralleled to cellulose. Mainly, cellulose is manufactured by machines that are powered electrically while mineral insulation is manufactured in furnaces powered by fuel. Cellulose is produced from papers that are locally available. All insulations assist in making buildings to be more efficient energy wise (Hamad, 2002). By using cellulose insulation, LEED credits from the United States Green Building Council certification program may be obtained. Cellulose enhances atmosphere and energy performance. Inks used in newspapers in making cellulose insulation may affect health of people. This is when endless streams of toxic fumes are being released. Molds in the sealed wall that have cellulose insulation combined with water may lead to respiratory issues and allergies. These may lead to one acquiring asthma attack.
Physical configurations for purchasing cellulosic are mainly in sheet form. This is because there are no bulks needed in their purchases.
Cellulosic processing methods
Cellulose is changed into cellophane which is a thin clear film then into rayon. Rayon is a vital fiber being used in the textile industry since the start of the twentieth century. Both rayon and cellophane are known as cellulose fibers that have been regenerated. These fibers are undistinguishable to the cellulose in the chemical structures and are mainly made from the pulp that dissolves through viscose. Lyocell process is the current method being used in producing forms of rayon. This method is also environmental friendly. The process of gasification does not rely on the cellulose chain chemical decomposition. Instead of the cellulose being broken into sugar molecules, the carbon retrieved from the raw materials are transformed into synthesis gas (Updegraff, 1969).
Natural rubber
It is attained from various plants that have milky secretions. The only vital commercial source of the natural rubber is Hevea brasiliensis tree (Goering, 1982). There are many brand names of the natural rubber. The first one is BIIR which stands for Bromo Isobutylene Isoprene. Another one is CIIR which is Chloro Isobutylene Isoprene. Additionally, there is HNBR which is Hydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene. Moreover, there are different companies that manufacture rubber. Airboss Rubber Compounding manufactures custom rubber mixer. There is Weir minerals manufactures linatex. Hanna Rubber Company manufactures Styrene butadiene.
Impact of natural rubber on the environment
Natural rubber has a comparatively high reactivity in its environment. This is specifically seen in the ozone and oxygen. Ozone leads to cracks on the surface which may rapidly enter the component even if a low starting point value of workable stress is used. On the other hand, in the components having large cross sectional areas, at the same time as there may be widespread surface reaction (Goering, 1982). This depends on the external stress patterns, actual penetrations of ozone and oxygen may be low, with the inside parts protected by the exterior parts that are degraded.
How can natural rubber be purchased
Natural Rubber that is packed in Goodpack packages offers more important advantages to the people purchasing it. On the other hand, they help in reducing costs over the traditional ways used in packaging such as wooden crates. Many rubber bales fit properly in these Goodpack Intermediate Bulk Containers. Additionally, these containers are easy to transport by the use of forklifts (Moldoveanu, 1998). Natural rubber may be also discharged easily and quickly by either rotational discharge or direct discharge.
By using rotational discharge, natural rubber that has been packed using Goodpack stays in good shape, giving unopposed access to the natural rubber product. This has demonstrated on how to save substantial amount of time used in handling the materials. One of the advantages of using Goodpack is the fact that it is one of the environmental friendly ways of packaging. This service is free and does not need any practice of cleaning. Natural rubber packed and stored in Goodpack is free from contaminated wood chips and wood (Moldoveanu, 1998).
Production of natural rubber
The process of producing natural rubber starts by cultivating the rubber trees. These trees are supposed to be grown for seven years before they are viable for collecting rubber. When the trees have reached at a point where they are mature, they are tapped (Moldoveanu, 1998). The process of tapping is done every two to three days, but not exceeding once a day. This tapping process consists of stripping small bark sections away at a minor angle in order to enable latex drainage. This same tree area can be tapped time to time. In case a given area of the tree is tapped, a new portion will be tapped later.
It takes seven good years for a tree that has been tapped to be tapped once more (Goering, 1982). Once a day, a tree may produce to nearly half cup of latex. After the latex has been collected, it is mixed with an acid that has been diluted. This acid mixture is later rolled twice. The first time rolling is to do away with excess water. The second rolling is texturing the rubber. This rubber is later dried and sold. One of the product materials that natural rubber is not well suited for is the rubber wood. This is because it takes a lot of time for it to grow preventing it to meet global demands. On the other hand, tit is expensive. It also needs a lot of preservation before it is used for outside door pieces.