Are Racial Slur/slang and Stereotyping Resultant of Increased Liberalization?
In the contemporary arena, the world has witnessed a marked growth in Liberalization/Neo-liberalism entailing a dynamic change in how citizens view/perceive a variety of issues. They may reflect different aspects of society such as the religious, social, economic, and even political arenas. Social dynamism is a term that refers to the ever-evolving social nature of a given social entity influenced by both past and present generations. Racism pertains to the discrimination against a certain people based on their racial demographic profile, skin pigmentation, history, size, and cultural aspects. This report discusses the above mentioned issues in the American contemporary social setting.
Racial slur/slang unfortunately results from the aforementioned racism. It is accompanied by negative aspect of racial stereotyping as well. Accordingly, a racial slur can be defined as a term, which is either disrespectful or derogatory to a specific racial demographic group through its use without any restraint. Thus, this important question arises: “Are racial slur/slang and stereotyping resultant of increased Liberalization?”
Racism, as aforementioned, is a negative social aspect, which unfortunately, continues to rear its ugly head in contemporary social settings. Slang/slur, especially when laced with racial implications, often concerns all aspects of society. Different demographic entities are often at logger-heads with each other over the use of the negative slur/slang and associated stereotyping implications (Cardwell, 1996).
For example, the word “nigger/nigga” was initially used to identify people of black African origin. It was derogative in the sense that it identified people who were racially inferior to their human counterparts, especially with the rise and spread of slavery. Nowadays, African Americans, and to an increasing extent, other social entities use this word in a more affectionate way to relate to friends, colleagues, and even family mambers. It should be noted, though, that its derogative aspect is actively present when used in an insulting/degrading manner.
The Hispanics, especially Mexicans, have their own slang, which, in some aspects, is creative but at the same time, too vulgar for their comfort. For example, the term “guey,” connoting an ox or a slow-witted person, is widely used by young Hispanics as a version of the terms “bro” or “dude.” Referable to a variety of personalities, the use of such words is described as a custom of the ever-dynamic Mexican culture. Regrettably, the use of the above mentioned words and other degrading terminologies causes much tension, especially amongst students.
Due to its famed tag as “the melting point of all cultures,” America has to face a multitude of case scenarios where such usage of terms among other racial slur has negative impacts on the overall social cohesion. For example, the term “nigger/nigga” is widely used not only by black African Americans themselves, but also by whites, Hispanics, and even Asians. So prevalent is its use that drastic measures are needed to curb its use. It is in tandem with the education sector’s “zero-tolerance” guiding principle on considered hate speech.
On the other hand, the users of such term say that its utility is only on a positive friendly way; its use is just a social fad. In addition, it is popular in the growing hip hop culture and way of life. Singers, rappers, and actors often use this term, which greatly impacts the young population who view them as their models, icons, and stars. Another negative aspect, racial stereotyping, is closely related to the use of the above mentioned slur/slang (Katz, 1933).
When a certain demographic entity is racially stereotyped, this may impact either negatively or in a lesser case, positively. Racial stereotypes concerns all races and ethnicities as a result of some simple truths related to a small entity. Then, they are generalized and applied as pertaining to a whole demographic category. Often, stereotyping, especially if racially inclined, is oppressive, degrading, and at times, hurtful. On the other hand, on a positive note, they provide an excellent source of humor and parody in a liberalized society.
An example would be the lack of White Caucasians not possessing “rhythm” in dancing, singing, or even rapping. It is conversely to African Americans, who possess the above mentioned skill/ability. The view that all Asians are “smart’ referring to their intellectual prowess is another stereotype. It brings a negative result, when those belonging to this demographic group do not live up to the above standard. Also, there is a negative racial stereotype that “Hispanics cannot/do not speak proper English.” It may be rooted in the fact that a majority of those belonging to this demographic group prefer speaking Spanish compared to the English language. However, many of them, even though not initially speaking English, learn and engage in speech anchored in the English language. Also, the associated lack of skills due to the lack of proficiency in English has negative impact. Their preference to do menial jobs due to the lack of proficiency in English language (especially by emigrants), cements the conclusion that the only jobs that Hispanics are good at are menial in nature. They may include semi-skilled and manual labor (McLeod, 2008).
In conclusion, the usage of racially inclined slang/slur and associated racial stereotyping is often a catalyst of further negative actions. Use of the aforementioned slur may result in either a disagreement or provocative arguments that end up with violent confrontations. On the other hand, racial stereotyping meant to be a jibe may, unfortunately, lead to wrong impressions and resultant intensions. A limited utility of the above mentioned issues is encouraged, especially at academic settings, workplaces, and other places of social interaction to enable a more vibrant, peaceful, and relaxed environment.