Aaron A. Bradley

Aaron A. Bradley was born in South Carolina and spent his childhood at the same place. During this time, racism and segregation against African-Americans was highly widespread making them suffer under this humiliation. Aaron A. Bradley worked as a shoemaker in Augusta in the year 1834. However, he ran away to North America because of the hardships that he encountered in Augusta. He came back to Georgia and became a lawyer (Lincove, 2000).

Aaron A. Bradley’s life story teaches us much about the time in which he lived, specifically the age of reconstruction. The era of reconstruction represents a dark time for African-Americans as long as it was marked by racism and segregation. It also represents a time when African-Americans rose to challenge and refute actions of racism against them. Aaron A. Bradley life story tells us about this time (1867-1876) as he was one of the people who became lawyers and actively participated in the reconstruction. He was among three people, including Henry M. Turner and Tunis G. Campbell Sr., who became the first African-American legislators in Georgia. However, they did not stay for long but were expelled for being black (Lincove, 2000).

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Certain aspects of Aaron A. Bradley’s life story speak to me and are worth mentioning. Bradley represents courageous and determined person who did not fear the dangers that came with racism. Rather, his determination helped him raise from a shoemaker to a seasoned lawyer who used his knowledge to fight for the rights of his fellow African-Americans.

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There is a moral in the story that is relevant to the modern society. The present day society is faced with many hardships especially if to speak about women who still fight to have their place in the education and professional world. Aaron A. Bradley’s life encourages people not to give up regardless of the pain and difficulty, but continue fighting and reach their success.

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