Political Poster Art

Art entails diverse human activities alongside the products that are aimed at emphasizing those activities. Notably, art involves creation of images and pictures through painting, drawing and photography. In line with artistic pictures, individuals are able to derive meaning from the artist’s intended meaning. Artists would always want to portray specific meanings relating to different issues taking place in society. It is worth noting that art is used to enlighten individuals and pass strong messages that are aimed at changing and improving the overall living of society. This paper would utilize images of Muslim women clad in niqabs in the description of different matters in line with the intent of the artist. Overall, art contributes to the learning process of the society and ensures that the voice of the oppressed is heard in society.

This essay utilizes photos of Muslim women clad in niqabs to explicate the purpose of the images, the relationship of the work to the topic, the target audience and the anticipated impact of the work on the audience.


The purpose of this work is to illustrate oppression that women in the Islamic world are forced to face. For instance, the work containing a woman clad in a niqab surrounded with a cage is indicative of the immense sufferings that women in the Islamic world face and purpose of the work is to exemplify this oppression. The metallic bars surrounding the niqab indicate the manner in which the Islamic world has enclosed women in a restrictive area in denying them the opportunity to stand up and express themselves in society (Caner 24). More so, this work of art illustrates the limitations that women in the Islamic world are forced to face as they operate in a society. The other work containing several Muslim women is also purposed at emphasizing the sufferings that women in the Islamic world face. The photo indicates the manner in which these women are enclosed in a particular area hence limiting their diverse freedoms and rights within a society. They have the limited space to stand up in their own countries and contribute to significant ideas because of the culture of their society ranging from religion to politics.

The Work Itself and Its Relationship to the Topic

The work itself consists of Muslim women clad in niqabs. It is worth noting that there have been enormous debates in different parts of the globe concerning wearing of niqabs among Muslim women and their freedom. In line with these arguments some individuals are always of the view that niqabs are indicative of the oppression that women in the Islamic world face while others hold that they do not reflect any act of women oppression. One of the works depicts a Muslim woman clad in a niqab with metallic bars. The other work shows several Muslim women also clad in niqabs. They are covered all over their bodies and are only left with some space for their eyes to see. This reiterates the nature of oppression that women in the Islamic world are forced to face even as they live in their own countries. This work relates to the cultural aspect of politics because it illustrates the manner in which operations of cultural beliefs in the Islamic world interfere with the overall operations of politics and oppression of women in their own countries. The work also adds to the voice that most political systems in the Islamic world are founded on Sharia laws and responsible for the continued oppression of women in the Islamic world. Notably, the entire issue of Muslim women wearing niqabs is founded in the culture and is highly supported by political system. Therefore, this work relates to the topic of politics because of the continued oppression of women in the Islamic world utilizing constitutions that rely solely on Sharia laws which are deemed to undermine the role of women in society (Gurley 29).

The Anticipated Audience

The anticipated audience for this work is all Islamic leaders and other individuals holding conservative beliefs against determination of women in society. More so, Muslim women form the other significant anticipated audience for this work. It is vital to note that freedom for Muslim women can be achieved only due to effective understanding among the leaders in the Islamic world. These leaders are anticipated to be the largest audience as they would play a vital role in understanding the grievances raised through the photos and may work toward reforming systems within their countries to boost the freedom for women. Islamic leaders have the authority to bend some rules against women and accommodate them in a society hence ensuring that the level of oppression is alleviated significantly. Again, the overall Islamic community holding conservative beliefs on the progress of women in the Islamic world would form another audience for this work. It helps them realize the negative effects of their conservativeness and the need to progress (Pizzigat 55). Last, Muslim women are also an anticipated audience. This work gives them an opportunity to understand their rights and freedoms they need to pursue in a society. The work also helps Muslim women understand the view that collaboration will boost their activities toward emancipation from continued oppression in a society.

Anticipated Impact on Audience

The work would not have immediate impact on the Islamic leaders and conservative members of the Islamic world. Some of them would dismiss these works as propaganda aimed at killing the existing beliefs in the political system of Islamic world. However, the key anticipated impact of these works on Islamic leaders and conservatives would be a change on mind concerning the handling of women in a society. It is anticipated that these leaders and conservatives would come to an understanding that women are important in a society and allowance of the women freedom would play a vital role in contributing to the development of their countries. Again, it is anticipated that these leaders could change the current systems in their countries to boost the accommodation of women into the countries’ political systems hence giving them more space to articulate their issues (Barber and McGrath 45).

The anticipated impact on Muslim women has increased agitation in the demand for their rights and freedoms in the Islamic world. With this work in place, Muslim women would get a proper view of the sufferings they face and they would be more willing to work together toward alleviation of the oppression that they are exposed to in their own countries. This will mean more prosperity and achievement of the dreams among these women.


In conclusion, art is an effective tool in a society as it helps in explanation of different issues taking place within a society. Art is relevant because it criticizes some undesirable systems and enlightens individuals to realize their rights and freedoms in a society. For instance, this essay is focused on the work of art depicting oppression against women in the Islamic world. One of the works depicts a woman whose niqab is surrounded by metal bars hence hiding most of her aspect. These bars are indicative of the manner in which women in the Islamic world are restricted in such a manner that they cannot express themselves in a society. The other photo contains several Muslim women with niqabs covering all their body parts leaving out only their eyes. Overall, this work of art is purposed at exemplifying the nature of oppression that women in the Islamic world face every day. 

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