Military Working Conditions

Different working conditions define different preferences to the diverse career opportunities. Whereas many would think compensation is the key factor in determining the choice any one would adopt, the reality is that the choice of the different career opportunities depends on the prevailing working conditions. The Sloan center on aging and work at the Boston collage outlines numerous facts about the most preferred working conditions based on research. It is evident that flexible working conditions are mostly preferred though not highly compensated.

Flexibility at the work place increase job engagement, work satisfaction, and therefore increasing workers’ motivation (Leslie, Lisa, Park, Tae-Youn, Meng, Si Ahn, 2012). Military working conditions are however not flexible at all. Military personnel are required to be up very early even it times of peace to perform the fixed duties. In times of war, they would leave their families and even travel outside the native land, with minimum or no formal communication with their friends and relatives.

Care giving is another working condition that attracts many people in the entire job market. Some job seekers would prefer good health insurance packages and better retirement benefits as this would ensure prolonged life in case one is not able to discharge any payable job in his old age. Workers are much interested with their future and therefore as their age increases, they wish to switch to jobs offering better health benefits and good retirement package (Leslie et al, 2012). Even though the military job faces tough and risky working conditions, militiamen get good health insurance facilities, better retirement benefits, and good treatment for their families. It is evident that many militiamen would retire at young ages to benefit from the heavy retirement benefit and thereafter search other flexible jobs. It is therefore good for employers to offer attractive benefits to these less flexible jobs like the military.

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