California State Politics

Proposition 38, a "State Income Tax Increase to Support Public Education”


This is a California state law approach that was on the poll on November 6, 2012. There are arguments that if this proposal had been approved, it would have increased the salary rates for the state load of citizens of California. This would have also increased the state revenue of billions of dollars every year. The increase in income tax would have lasted for 12 years, unless voters approved it again. The approval of proposal 38 could have earmarked most of the latest income of $10 billion for the program of development in early childhood and community public schools. The proposition 38 was advocated for by Molly Munger, who donated almost $44 million for the proposition operation in November. This donation was an introduction to the previous one of $7.2 million. The initial title that the election officials gave the proposal 38 during the stage of appeal circulation was, “tax for early childhood and education programs, statute initiative.”


Munger's proposals 30 and 38 were seen by many states and pundits operatives, as competing with each one of them. In spring 2012, the logic of tradition was buoyed by polls. This indicated that with an increase of one tax, during the poll of November 2012, they generally had a higher chance of losing. Glazer Steve, who worked for tax hike Jerry Brown, said that when voters had a variety of measures of competing tax, it lowered the foundation for all of them. The most probable outcome is that all of the propositions will fail. Darrell Steinberg said that in the senate of California State, the main issue was that if the ballots consisted of several measures, it would automatically be expected that all of the propositions would fail. This kind of conclusion cannot be accepted. Additionally, Harold Meyerson, who was for the Washington post, said that looking at the initial history of the government, explained various chapters, in which the state was essentially championing the similar action, put measures of competition on the similar ballot. This would, however, confuse many voters on the day of elections.

Munger was under pressure to lift the initiative; this difficulty was describing as thusly by Mathews. Joe said that if Munger did not dismiss the measure, she could totally understand the business of an operation that was not relenting of personal attack. Munger was an experienced political activist and litigator who clearly stated that she would not go off. She insisted that her proposition was to restore the four years of suffering of the school cuts. However, under the initiative of governor, there would be nearly none of them.

Order of Ballot Propositions

At the beginning, traditionally, ballot propositions had numbers that were laced on the box, according to how the signatures were given, and this qualified for the ballot. The team of Munger gave out signatures for their initiative before the side of Brown Jerry gave out the competing proposal 30 signature. Brown signed the bill in June that was to change the ways that the proposals were ordered and numbered on the ballot. This change was a benefit to his proposal 30, the tax hike. This is because the bill indicated that all proposed amendments of the constitution were to come first on the ballot, before any state statute scheme was proposed. He meant that the operation of brown will appear on the vote first, and then the amount of Munger because the initiative of Munger was a state law proposal. Some contributors said that Brown had maneuvered in the state legislature, and described it as a self-dealing government, intolerant, and arrogant. 


Munger had to rush to the court to seek relief from the poll of Brown asking for change. There was a temporal injunction to prevent the Brown’s ballot. The law prevented ballot from being assigned by numbers, based on the new way of numbering ballots, until Brown fully assessed the benefit of the suit.

Munger said that, although the rule of changing the way the ballot proposal would look was in the budget’s bill collection, it did not apply to the budget in any form or shape. The lawsuit was an abuse of the legislative power and the legislative process of government. However, it was so miserable for Munger because the change by Brown was ruled  by the judge.


Munger was the major financial supporter of the proposition 38. Munger was so hopeful that the plan was going to win. When she compared her measures and those of Brown, Munger said that democracy was good because people had freedom to  decide what they wanted, but not to do what one person wanted, or considered being good for all people. She said that this system was old-fashioned and that it came to lead bad decisions over some times.

The proposition 38 was also supported by the PTA of California state. The team of Munger bought spots in two different states in March, so that they could make a case that their proposal would create a good fortune and they would help schools. They said that their proposal would make a lot of money that someone could consider, implement, and draw. They said that this money would be enough to\t every child, and every school would benefit from it.

She responded to her opponents, especially those who were from the group of Brown. She told them that her group had perfect principles required for a real democratic party. This was in the ways to support and invest in education and in children. She said that those were the two main functions of a real democratic party. Munger said that it was so ironical that some people were supporting a group that they knew very well that it did not have the key elements for a popular group, whose ambition was not investing in the major engines for freedom and social mobility in the society of California.

There were some arguments that were submitted by state guide officials; these augments were in favor of the proposition 38. The list of those who supported the proposal included the president of the teacher parent from the state of California James who also was an actor, the director of the trust west learning and the director of the orange county 4th PTA district.

Arguments in Favor

There were presentations that were in favor of the proposition 38 by the voter guide of the state officials. They said that politicians had been reducing the budgets of schools instead of investing in them, since the government had records of big class in the whole nation. They said that the proposition 38 would also prioritizing schools. It would guarantee funds to improve the results of education and bring back the well-rounded education. They said that the proposal guaranteed enough money for enrolment in local schools for over 12 years.

They said that the sites of schools could make use of money to rebuild or decrease the size of the classes in music, art field and mathematics, technical and vocational education. They could, as well, use the money to prepare for college, depending on individual needs of the school. They said that the proposition 38 would prevent politicians from cutting on school budgets every year. The initiative would set funds aside to cater for the states’ deficit and fix the bond obligation of state education. They said that as the citizen of California, they should unite to contribute to improving schools because it would benefit the entire nation, in terms of quality life and economy.

The proposition 38 would produce their money by increasing the rates of income tax of the government after they reduce everything. They would use a sliding order to assess those who are able to pay. This means that the rich people would pay more money, according to how much they earn. They said that this change would not be touched by the legislature, because proposition 38 does not allow the legislature to acquire or divert funds. In addition, it cannot use the money collected to return the money that the schools have been using. The schools’ development would be the responsibility of the district committee. The committee would give the goals to improve education in schools in every year. They would show how they spent the money given to meet those goals, and whether the goals that they found were achieved in an improved manner.


Those who supported the hike of tax proposals of Brown, opposed to the proposals of the Munger initiative. The adviser of Brown said that if they had measures that were competing on the election, they would blur the voters and the outcome would make everyone miss, including children. David Kieffer had sympathy for the reasons of the initiative of Munger, but he said that his companion should help Brown, based on the public policy. He said that if two initiatives about fee were be on the ballot, it would crash and get all of them to avoid. This situation would create a lot of trouble in the state. Brown said that Munger’s proposal would not weaken the overall multibillion dollars fund of California. There was an announcement that the round bar of California business opposed to the proposition 38. A member of the section called Jerry said that they would raise money, so that they could aggressively oppose to the initiative.

The arguments from those who opposed to the proposition 38 were submitted in the voter guide of the state officials. The list of those who opposed to the proposal included the president of the Chamber of Commerce for California, Education Commission Orange County Head, the Executive Director Member of the Committee for Taxpayer Insurance in California and a Tax Fighter Chair called Rider.

Arguments Against

  Those who opposed to the proposition 38 said that the initiative would increase the personal tax rate of the people of California, in addition to the payment for the administration. They said that this initiative would last for a long time, and this would mean that they had to pay for high tax for a long time. They said that the proposal did not remember some other factors related to tax, but rather increased weight with claims that it would have to improve the sector of education. They said if they failed to discharge ineffective teachers from schools to improve education, the fee would still be increased.

They said that the proposal would increase pressure even if the economy of the state improved. They said that only the expected outcome of the initiative was the value that the politicians would continue. They take big money through increased weight without accounting for it, without considering how much progress it is for schools.

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