Political Economy Analysis - 2008 Financial Crisis and Beyond
This paper will analyze the cause of economic meltdown in USA in 2008 and beyond. It explains what went wrong and what could have been done to avoid the crises and it identifies its main contributors. It also looks at political contribution to this meltdown through the policies that were in place

Health of American Democracy
Democracy is often referred to as a rule in which power is in the hands of the citizen and is directly or indirectly used in the selection of the appropriate leadership system and rightful leaders to represent the citizens (Wilentz 54)

Political Legitimacy
Politics is an important art in each and every society. In fact, everything in life is based on politics. The art of politics is central to everything that happens in society

Cold War and International Relations
The last half of the 20th century was characterized by prolonged war. In fact, there was an evidence of war during the entire half of the century. In order to effectively understand the context of the war during the second half of the twentieth century, there is a need to understand at least the preceding two world wars

Nietzsche and Marx on Problem of Human Nature
Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche determined the essence of human nature and its influence on the development of society. Their ideas do not lose their rel...

The Problematic Consequences of Radical Redistribution for Democratic Stability
Democracy, proclaimed as a universal human value, has become a real sacred concept of the modern political and social life. In fact, democracy remains the...