Managing Stakeholder Engagement


Organizations may engage diverse strategies in terms of the extent of involvement with their stakeholders although the best way is to interact with stakeholders at every stage of decision making, (Carrell & Buchholtz, 2012). Before the project starts, it is important to identify the internal and external stakeholders and inform your team.

Stakeholders include the people influenced by activities of the project and includes the project guarantor, execution team, support personnel, society, contractors, government, auditors, and law firms. However, they have different requirements and prospects, (Schwalbe 2009). Project guarantors are the proprietors of the project and their requirement is to see the project budget and implementation plan. They anticipate the capital to be used successfully to conclusion of the project. The project team and support staff needs resources and information at their disposal while they expect the project to add to their benefit package. The society on the other hand needs more details about effects of the project while they expect to be satisfied with quality. The government needs to know the contribution of the project in terms of revenue and expect minimal social costs. Law firms are stakeholders too and need to know if the project meets the legal requirements while they expect the project to honor its legal obligations.

Stakeholder Analysis

This is a technique used by managers to get information regarding key stakeholders to help control conduct with them, (Schwalbe, 2000).

Methods of engaging stakeholders

It is difficult to assess the effectiveness of diverse participatory methods but however, tools are available to aid planners and managers, (Uysal, Perdue & Sirgy 2012).

Information dissemination -> public meetings -> soliciting comments -> Surveys -> training and technical assistance -> focus groups -> Workshops -> task force

Information dissemination - to aid in distributing information to reach many stakeholders

Public meeting – brief regular meetings to give stakeholders an opportunity to learn

Soliciting comments – asking for feedback from stakeholders

Surveys – conducted to collect data to aid in the project operation

Training and technical assistance - interactive community outreach and learning efforts where stakeholders get information from experts

A good communication strategy that can include the stakeholders includes focus groups, management meetings, intranet, notice boards, feedback boxes, newsletters and adopting employee appraisals, (National Research Council U.S, 2010).


This message is intended for all stakeholders concerning the relationship of the organization and the stakeholders. It will be achieved through policy objectives, good communication, training and stakeholders recommendations.


To all members: this is to notify you that the above techniques will be engaged to attain good relationship with our stakeholders. The policies will be based on stakeholders demand, good communication around the organization and regular training.

Stakeholder views will be obtained through feedback boxes, meetings, suggestions, and formal proposals. These methods will aid in establishing effective communication in the organization. Before any policies are implemented, the stakeholders will be allowed to assess them via teaching and give their view and then proceed after stakeholders’ approval.

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