Week 4 Discussion Paper

In Oklahoma, there have been water wars whereby debates over the policies of waters have been tabled down and thus generating litigations. These wars arose after the purchase of the water shortage rights by Oklahoma City of Sardis Lake Reservoir in the southeastern parts of the city. This has resulted to legal battles after the response were made by the members of the public to the governor. The state of Texas has also shown interests to buy Oklahoma water and this battle have ended in the Supreme Court. Critics have been drawn out by the Oklahoma Water Resources board and the state’s water plan over a series of legislative offers. These are the issues that are presented by Momaday in her work regarding the importance of the preservation of the nature.

Momaday insists on giving land a first priority in its preservation. She insists on this via putting an emphasis on the enormous scale and splendor of the land in comparison to the miniscule form of Abel. This makes man the master of the natural world. This is completely different in the state of Oklahoma as the state is in wars over its waters. Momaday further illustrates how man has continued to destroy the beauty of the land when she states that during the Second World Wars, Abel seethe tank “rising up at the back of the hill, black and massive, frightening there in front of the sun and for a moment it looked apart from the land”. The tank in the work of Momaday symbolizes the destruction of the world. This is what is evident in the state of Oklahoma as individuals are busy fighting over natural resources that they ought to take care of. Momaday talks of the complete destruction of mankind. This starts by destroying of the things that an individual can not survive without; in this case being water, the state of Oklahoma accruing to the themes of Momaday seems to be headed the direction of destruction (Momaday, 2012).

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