The Gothic subculture

A subculture is a culture derived from another culture or an act of producing a subculture.  A subculture can be also defined as a social, regional or ethnic group that exhibit characteristic patterns of behaviors sufficient to differentiate it from an embracing culture.  A subculture has a distinct set of beliefs and behaviors that distinguish it from other cultures of which they are part. It may be distinct due to the age of the members, race, ethnicity, gender, and qualities that determine their distinction as aesthetic, political, religious, sexual or a combination of all these. Subculture denotes both the traditional norms of a sub society as well as the emerging norms of a group caught in conflict laden situation as exemplified below by the Gothic subculture.

The history of this subculture dates back during the first half of 1980s. It started when most British  immediate post-punk climate sounds and some images became crystallized into an identified movement. Although, various factors were involved, there is little doubt that music and the performers were directly responsible for the emergence of these stylistic features of Gothic culture. The most probable starting point was provided by the sounds and images of Bauhaus- notably the single, which was released in 1979. The band set and the performance of the song contained distinctive themes, which pervades the Goth subculture to present. 

This time, which brought  these early signs, there emerged a lot  of bands, which  played gigs near one another from time to time. The music press placed them in a position labeled poster at times positive punk. So, eventually, they were called Goth. Most notable was the further establishment and development of variants of dark and feminist among its member groups. This was pioneered by Bauhaus, Banches and Siouxsie. 

A particular important addition to styles was the use of ripped fishnets, and, other see through the fabrics, in the forms of tights and tops. The club acted as a magnet for the music press and was keen to find in the wake of punk ultimately constructing a possible successor. It appeared the word Goth that was used  in passing by some of those involved such as Tony Wilson, the producer of Joy Division and a member of both U.K Decay, and Southern death Cult. 

As the styles and music spread across the country, through the radio, music press and television performances, live tours, and record distribution increased more and more. The British nightclubs accommodated the highest number of teenagers who had adopted the sounds and styles, which later became known as Gothic culture. By the mid-1990s, the Gothic culture had used much of its time in the social media and commercial spotlight, but, however, it disappeared from the public view. The most current issue that the subculture is facing is the fear of becoming extinct. The intense attachment of many participants to thee styles of the Gothic subculture ensured its small survival. From across and beyond England, there emerged a new generation of bands who relied upon small scale specialist labels, clubs, and media. These groups were more motivated by their own enthusiasm than any other realistic hope.


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Nevertheless, there is an incredible amount of varieties of subcultures within any given society. Therefore, because human beings are unique in their desired way, they should be allowed the freedom to transcend the past. For the youth to understand what is hidden, and have a clear vision of what is most likely to be good for them in the future. This fits in the study of culture in the sense that it is good to recognize and account for the complexity, flexibility, and agency of every human being. 

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