Short-term memory entails to memories that do not have the capability to last longer than 30 seconds except if these memories are rehearsed in that time bracket. Generally, short term memory refers to the ability to hold a small quantity of information in brain in an active, readily accessible condition for a short phase of time. An instance of this is when an individual is given a name or a registration number and is required to memorize it since there is no means to put it down. The greater part of people usually finds it hard to remember more than a handful of data for any duration of time except the number that was repeated in their brain over and over again. Short-term memory crumbles fast and usually vanishes from an individual’s mind in 30 seconds duration of time. There are several strategies that are effective in improving the short term memory in an individual (Needham, 1992)
The most essential part of short term memory is attention. This is an aspect that deals with the choice of paying attention to something and focusing on it, by so doing, an individual creates a personal connection with the subject with it; this connection gives the subject a personal implication and for this reason it makes it making it to remember. Repetition and elaboration are the most common methods of creating a personal connection to improve on memory. Repetition entails the act of drilling over the same subject over and over to point that it is well sank into the brain and can be easily accessed and remembered. On the other hand, elaboration refers to the creation of a rich background for the practice via the process of combining auditory, visual and any other kind of information regarding the subject. The above two methods develops several points of access on the subject (Needham, 1992).
Focus is another effective method of improving memory to a person; focus entails concentration, and being alert. Application of focus as a strategy of improving memory is a practice that requires a lot of effort. In most cases, short term memories are usually as a result of failure to center well on the assignment at hand. In order for something that is learnt to be remembered and understood several hours or days later, the best approach is to concentrate on just the precise subject. The aspect of focus is effective in when one applies a strategy whereby, when an individual learns new thing, the person should take breaks to ensure that the facts will not interfere with other subjects (Noah, 2008).
Engage is another strategy of improving memory, this is a strategy that is on the basis that the mind of human beings remembers things via their implications. This means that if an individual spends a little more effort to create meaning to a learnt subject, he or she will require fewer attempts later to remember it. For instance, if a person is in a hotel room with a number that is complex or hard to remember, engaging strategy to remember this is via gapping for a minute in order to take a mental picture of your room door sight from an outside view point. On returning to the same view point, one can easily identify the door from the photographic memory in the brain (Noah, 2008).
Chunking information is very effective way of improving short term memory since this kind of memory generally involves 7 plus or minus 2 subjects in the brain at that precise time; nonetheless, via chunking information; one is expected to memorize more. For instance, if one has to consign a list of 10numbers to brain with a short term memory, this is likely to be a hard task. However, via grouping the digits into chunks, an individual can break these numbers into chunks of 1-832-545-5776. This resembles an overseas long distance telephone number. In such a presentation, it becomes easier to recall the digits (Needham, 1992).