Fiber Report. Polyester

First, people in tropical areas planted fiber crops but today it is grown in warm areas. It was a perennial crop, which grows to 2.5 m tall. The field crops are grown for their fibers. Mostly, polyesters are manufactured from plants which also make paper, cloth and rope. They originate from French. They are divided into two categories natural fibers and synthetic fibers. Natural fibers are produced by plants, animals and geological processes where else synthetic fibers are manufactured from cellulose.

Though French used to trade fiber earlier, currently China leads in market providing both local and international market. French also supplies the product to many countries across the world. In 2011, French had total sales of about $79 million. Currently, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Australia, among others provide fiber to international market. The lowest price piece goes for $10. Wholesalers pay for a little amount while buying the product like $5 per piece.  Companies are supposed to make investments on the sustainability by ensuring that they have an ongoing profit they should ensure maximum rate performance.

Fiber is made from natural sources such as animal hair and plant. An advantage of the fiber is that it iss comfortable for human skin, soft, and also cheap. A weaknesses is that it wears out easily, meaning that it does not last long. Polyester also shrinks easily. Though it is cheap and does not last long, it forces individuals to buy polyester often. Materials made from polyester fade out on exposure to the sun.

Textiles industries use polyester in manufacturing paper. It also helps in manufacturing of cloths like sweaters, socks, blankets, home furnishing materials and hats. People prefer wearing cloths made from fiber due to the softness nature which makes an individual feeling comfortable.

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