Critical Evaluation of an HRD Intervention

This essay would provide a critical analysis of the effectiveness of a training program program that was personally experienced in the workplace. This program was carried out at the start of this year at the Shine Communications to promote effective achievement of the targets of the company. It is worth noting that the study of the theories and models relating to adult and organizational learning would be discussed basing on the knowledge of the participant. The theories relating to HRD would also be used to interpret the problems associated with the training program program within the company. The conclusion at the end would provide sufficient information concerning the benefits of the program to individuals and the groups they are given to work with.

Clear Focus and Rationale

The training program program was conducted at the Shine Communications Company. The objective of the program was to ensure that employees at the company derive the required level of motivation as they move toward the achievement of the goals of the organization. The program was also aimed at ensuring that employees understand the significance of working together toward the realization of the common objectives of the company. It was especially dedicated to new employees who were still adapting to the operations of the company to ensure that they acquired the understanding that team work is relevant and can be used for the achievement of the goals of the organization. The key objective of the program was to ensure that new employees at the Shine Communications Company understand the importance of appreciating all other employees and working together toward the realization of the required objectives.  Au, et al. (2008) opines that new employees integrated into the training program program would be expected to hold higher positions in the company at some point and would be required to also come up with significant teams that would ensure that the Shine Communications Company continues achieving its required level of profitability and the realization of better results emanating from combined efforts.

The rationale for this program is its significance to the company. The training program program is always perceived significant because it ensures that the required objectives of the company are pursued by different individuals in line with the desired results of the company. Employees always put their ideas together and work as a single brain toward the realization of the goals of the organization. The program is also based on the rationale that the continued success of the company would be catapulted by continued coordination among all employees both experienced and new employees at the company. New employees are able to acquire relevant knowledge and work experience through acting as team players as they move toward the achievement of organizational objectives.

The focus of the study program is important because it facilitate the understanding of organizations and the manner in which they operate as they move toward the realization of their objectives in their respective industries. It is significant to note that each industry is always characterized by high levels of competition which can only be tamed through the enhancement of the human resource element of the company. This program is important because it ensures that there is an effective understanding of the operations of human resources in the organization and the manner in which they can be coordinated toward the achievement of the goals of the organization (Werner & DeSimone, 2011). The training program program at the Shine Communications Company is relevant as it opens up more avenues for individuals to realize the best strategies to dedicate toward the development of the human resource element of the company. This brings forward better and easier means of leading different companies toward the realization of their goals.

It is also important because it provides a guideline to motivating and handling of the human resource element within the company. As noted earlier, working in teams motivates employees as they work toward the goals of the organization.  According to Aycan, et al. (2007), motivation is a crucial aspect that would be able to ensure that all employees work properly in the organization with the required commitment and dedication as they are assured of support from different quarters.  Employees at different companies are able to appreciate each other and understand the values of each one of them within the company. This is because they are all able to associate with the company’s results appropriately and ensure that the targets are realized through combined efforts.  Therefore, the topic is important because it ensures that matters relating to the human resource element of the firm. Effective team development with the company plays a crucial role in boosting the motivation of employees as they move toward the realization of the required targets in the company.

Articulation of the Context

The initial phase of the training program program at Shine Communications started with the incorporation of new employees into different teams. New employees were supposed to understand the operations of the company in terms of offering communication services in the United Kingdom. New employees at the company were given challenging tasks and were required to attempt these tasks in their groups to measure their level of collaboration in the pursuit of a common objective. For instance, they were required to ensure that all clients at the company are served with the required communication services within the required time and with a high level of efficiency.

These employees were placed in different departments of the organization and several operational teams put in place to ensure that these employees were able to work together toward the prosperity of the company. Each of the teams in the organization was assigned a team leader who was supposed to account for all the effective operations of the company. A team leader was taken as a guide to the team and was supposed to ensure that all members complied with the requirements of effective team operation at the company. Therefore, the watchful eyes of team leaders were significant as they could ensure that operations that were not required within the organization were eliminated appropriately.

It was deemed that the training received by employees in different institutions of higher learning was only preparing them for the job market and could not be applied to Shine Communications Company.  Delahaye (2011) reiterates that the team work development strategy would give them the opportunity to interact with each other and share the required level of knowledge that can be utilized in effective development of the company. It was also envisaged that the process of team work development in the company would give employees to take part in challenging duties that could help improve their skills in all aspects. This was a preparation for the upcoming rise of these employees to higher positions in the organization. It was crucial to prepare them and ensure that they understood all the aspects of the organization in the best manner possible.

It is worth noting that these employees were also allowed to make independent decisions in their group in order to allow all the groups to perform effectively. All the issues raised by members of the group were given an equal chance of hearing before any serious action could be taken by the organization. This is in line with the democratic style of leadership which is a significant organizational culture aspect. The democratic style of leadership has helped push the organization to another level by ensuring that only important decisions are made by employees.

It is significant to note that the team work development strategy was done in an effective manner that would balance employees in terms of gender within the organization. The learning curve for the strategy was expected to rise as fast as possible because of the belief that all the employees who had been hired had immense skills that could enable them perform their duties in the most qualified manner. They had the capacity to perform their duties effectively in line with the spirit of team work advocated by most individuals in their arguments concerning an effective organization. The learning curve indicated that most of these employees had the capacity to learn most of these collaborative skills faster and the level of job flow within the organization increased. The team work development intervention also allowed most employees to know each other better and understand the means of absorbing any shocks associated with their duties at the organization. Therefore, there was faster learning of job performance through the groups that had been formed ensuring that the relevance of team work within the organization was appreciated effectively.

This HRD intervention also enabled employees adopt the spirit of diversity in the performance of their duties. Diversity entails understanding individuals from other genders and races hence ensuring that one is able to work with them toward a common goal. New employees at the Shine Communications Company got the opportunity to share different aspects that enhances their tolerance and understanding within the organization. Employees feel attached to each other in line with Maslow’s assertion that employees would always derive motivation in cases where they believe that they belong to a particular group or place within the organization (Goodall, et al., 2004). Therefore, the spirit of belongingness is achieved through this intervention hence ensuring that Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs is observed. Motivation also emanates from the belief that support for challenging tasks would be obtained through consultations among all employees within the organization. Support is a crucial element as it ensures that the organization is able to be carried to the next level of performance without any form of stoppage in its activities.

Link with HRD Literature

Some of the significant HRD theories include McClelland’s achievement motive theory and Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory. The team work strategy at Shine Communications Company would only be effective in cases where it had a close adherence to these theories. Again, it would only be successful in cases where employees were made to believe in themselves and the significance of their acts toward the development of the organization.

In his research, McClelland discovered that all professionals went up to average in terms of their achievements. Bae & Rowley (2004) agree that individuals would only get satisfied in cases where they have immense assurance that they have achieved in line with their expectations. This applies to the HRD strategy of team work development and facilitating proper coordination of duties at the organization. Giving employees the opportunity to take part in processes of team work was crucial because this was almost an automatic guarantee of success in the realization of organizational goals. This would influence the level of satisfaction among employees and motivate them toward the performance of even more challenging task with the belief that they are geared toward achievement in their performances. The need for achievement would make it simpler for employees to contribute enormously toward the success of their groups as they believe that support to the group would mean success and appreciation for the success.

Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs mentioned different stages that employees undergo in order to achieve the required level of motivation. One of the significant stages is belongingness. The team work building process is vital because it fulfils the employee’s desire of belongingness.  Debrah (2000) asserts that they are able to belong to a particular group of employees who would help in supporting and motivating them as they move toward personal and organizational achievement. Therefore, the training program strategy is an effective HRD intervention of influencing the motivation of employees toward the realization of the goals of the organization.


The evaluation of the training program strategy at Shine Communications was a report on the performance of employees while working in groups. The manager of the organization required immediate feedback from all group leaders in order to determine the effectiveness of groups within the organization. The report was to contain elements of analysis and the understanding of each employee in the groups and the feelings of employees toward the experience of working as a team.

The evaluation of the success of teams within the organization should be conducted through the improvement in the performance of every employee. Success should not only be determined by the amount of profits generated by employees in a particular department while working in their respective teams.  Nonaka (1995) affirms that evaluation would only be relevant in cases where the motivation and commitment of employees is influenced by the teams put in place. The consistency of employees in the performance of their duties would also be an effective evaluative rationale for the training program strategy. Success should be seen in terms of consistency in the move toward the realization of organizational goals. Single results of performance would not offer the best evaluation because it also takes time before employees can adapt to working with other people.

Thus, consistent improvement in the performance of duties should be used as the key evaluative strategy in measuring the achievement of employees. Single results would not be effective as they do not reflect the adaptability of employees in the performance of their duties.


In conclusion, several significant lessons can be learnt from the evaluation of the HRD intervention of training program within the organization. One of the key lessons that can be learnt is that employees take time to adapt to working in groups. Notably, training program entails grouping employees from different races and genders in one group. It is always vital to give the team the opportunity to adapt and get used to working with each other as they move toward the realization of the goals of the organization. Success would only come through continued understanding among these members. Another vital lesson to learn from the evaluation of the training program strategy utilized at Shine Communications Company is that consistency in the realization of the set targets means a lot to the company. Employees are supposed to exhibit a high sense of consistency in the performance of their duties and the movement toward the realization of their goals. It would be vital to ensure that employees work with a high sense of consistency and motivational schemes could be embraced to ensure that employees move toward the realization of the desired goals. Therefore, consistency must be taken into consideration by management as it would ensure that relevant outcomes are realized.

These lessons are crucial because they are able to facilitate the acquisition of different motivation schemes that would take employees to the next level. It is asserted that the understanding of these lessons would help organizations understand that the success of employees working in teams does not come easily and needs some level of patience before the results can be realized. Measures such as appraisal schemes would give employees the opportunity to derive a high sense of motivation toward the achievement of their goals. In the case of Shine Communications Company, new employees would be motivated toward the realization of the goals of the organization. Therefore, employees should always be given time to adjust to their teams before any judgement regarding their performance can be made.

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