Business communication and examples
Communication of negative messages is a sensitive aspect of communication. This aspect of communication requires major consideration from the parties involved in the process. Most people fail to understand negative messages because of the form of communication employed. In this section, we explore the communication of negative messages effectively without causing friction or misunderstanding. Negative messages are associated with bad feelings hence the need to reduce the disappointing effect. Before communicating negative messages, it is necessary that the sender knows the reasons for the rejection, the sensitivity, and seriousness of the message. In essence, the receiver should understand the bad news, accept, and maintain a positive image of the sender. Negative messages can be communicated directly or indirectly but the most important fact is to understand the impact of either communication. The indirect means could be appropriate when communicating to people of the same level or subordinates while the direct approach best suits instances involving senior people. Communication of negative messages involves positioning the bad news strategically, use of passive voice, emphasize the positive, and imply the refusal. Most significantly is for the communicator to suggest a compromise or alternative option to the content of the negative message. One encouraging aspect of negative message communication is the closing remarks. For instance, it is significant when the sender encourages the receiver by closing the communication with such statements as good wishes, forward look, or offering a counter proposal.
Example: Liability coverage is being discontinued-here is how to replace it. Dear Policyholder, when your auto insurance is renewed, it will no longer include liability coverage unless you select the new Assurance plan. Liability coverage is being discontinued. Part of the premium which paid for it will be dropped from all policies when they are renewed. This could leave a gap in your protection. But you can replace the old liability coverage with Vickers’ new Assurance Plan.
Question Two: Writing Routine Requests
In undertaking the task of writing routine requests, it is necessary for the writer to consider the readers’ reaction. This will be instrumental in the organization of the information in the request in order to allow for positive reactions. In this context, the significant part of the message is the audience reaction, followed by the organizational plan, and then the opening, body and close of the message. In the opening statements of routine requests, the writer should begin with the main ides or the good news, and provide necessary details. It is important that the writer closes the request with a cordial comment, a reference to the good news, or a look toward the future. Most people who engage in the routine requests include business people who write letters requesting information about people, prices, products, and services. A routine message is one which the reader will readily do as asked without having to be persuaded. In such contexts the readers’ emotional reaction would be eager, interested, pleased, or neutral. Most routine requests are polite statements phrased as a question out of courtesy. It is also essential that the message informs and explains adequately the needed action. Just like any other formal or informal communication, ending the routine request with a goodwill message will make the request polite. Ending with goodwill can be through closing the request through expressing appreciation for the assistance to be offered, stating and justifying any deadlines, or offering to reciprocate.
Example: Mrs. Mary, would you kindly provide the following items for Mr. Moses James’ workshop on the use of databases in financial statement audits scheduled for April 19. This will include a projection screen, whiteboard, and markers.
Question 3- Giving constructive feedback
The organization culture should allow personnel to freely give and receive constructive feedback. This feedback should be descriptive in order to relay an accurate message. Personnel should be concise and avoid exaggerating issues. Moreover, the “I” statements should be banished. All employees should speak for themselves and they should avoid using labels. Always begin with the issue at hand and logically explain your standpoint. The recipient is bound to appreciate a message delivered in a professional manner.
Ethics constitutes the organization culture and this determines what is right or wrong. Categories of ethics include: individual ethics, individual ethics and social ethics. The stumbling block to ethical behavior arises when personnel rationalize unethical behavior, utilize convenient unethical alternatives and find the need to win using unethical means. Organizations must instill ethical behavior by promoting professional ethical behavior, and zero-tolerance of unethical behavior. There is need for ethical decision making. In this case personnel get the facts, evaluate all options before making an ethical decision. In case of any ethical anomalies, it is the responsibility of any affected individual to make an ethical statement.
Example- You are a purchasing and procurement officer in a bakery, and your manager proposes a deal to buy sugar in the black market as a cost cutting measure. This is unethical and you need to make an ethical statement. Explain the legal ramifications of such an action and highlight on the need to comply with the law. Upon discovery, the company will be forced to pay hefty fines and the operations of the company can be halted. The company’s image will also be tarnished.