High-stakes Testing

High-stake testing is the application of standardized tests to come up with significant resolutions about learners. High-stakes testing assessments that are used in constructing assessments concerning which scholar will be advanced or kept in a score and who be given a certification (Hendricks, 2007). They are assessments from which outcomes are utilized to make important learning decisions about institutions, instructors, supervisors and scholars. High-stake testing presumes that inscriptions can be evaluated by comparing student accomplishment on chosen answers questions with real compiling.

High-stake testing assumes that in training, writing is used for correction by the instructor and it should not be seen as an act of making the student a writer (Schmidt &Thomas, 2009). High-stakes tests opens doors of opportunity to those previously shut out by holding teachers and schools accountable for student achievement and helping them to focus attention on students previously poorly served. This model encourages constructive results for the learners (Hendricks, 2007). 

High stakes testing is connected with accountability by handing over victory and failure for whichever test to the time of the assessment alone. Schmidt &Thomas (2009) noted that high-stake testing policies are intended to focus instruction and learning on the important content and skills that form state curriculum. High-stake testing discourages frauds in examinations because they elaborate clearly rules and the anticipations of student success.  It also persuades institutions o mirror their performance in comparison to student outcomes. 

While in other forms of testing such as standardized test, English based subjects unreasonably has negative effects on impecunious scholars and non English speaker’s high stakes testing accommodates and puts into consideration students from all backgrounds. On the other hand, Schmidt &Thomas (2009) says that the increasing use of high-stake testing of writing is certain to produce high achievement for students already falling into the lower levels of academic achievement Hendricks (2007) argues that high-stake testing is an improvement stratagem that compels amendments by gratifying or grueling schools based on scholar’s performance on consistent assessments.

In conclusion, high-stakes testing is fundamental because it motivates students to achieve at proficient levels and force educators to focus on the academic needs of underperforming students (Hendricks, 2007). The proponents also claim that high stakes testing policies are necessary to prioritize the curriculum for teachers and students. High-stakes testing should therefore be encouraged because in this form of testing responsibility as a bar for school enhancement is perceived as a fundamental concern of knowledge and practical of testing.

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