Genre Analysis

Bram Stoker’s book “Dracula” is one of the most singular multignere books ever written. The book was written at a time when superstition and fantastic tales of monsters were common. The notion of dracula continues to peremeate modern cultural society through Halloween costumes, TV shows, and in films. The modern day persons both young and old enjoy spine chilling stories about vampires, all of which drawn from Stoker’s “Dracula” (Reed, 2006).

A multigenre paper on “Dracula” is appropriate as this is a text which makes use of many genres in conveying its message. The story is not only a nightmare, but rather a statement on humanity and the monsters in our society. The story of Count Dracula is conveyed to the reader through a series of telegrams, newsletters, letters, journal entries. However, Count Dracula is not offered a voice and perspective.

The text is multigenre, since it encompasses many different forms of literature composition. The text is a fiction, yet it does not belong to the conventional novel, essay, poem, or drama as it incorporates all these aspects trandomly in the text. Stoker’s Count Dracula fits the fiction classification, since the happenings that are recounted in the text are not fact. It conforms to aspects of fiction, though it lacks the conventional first or third person narration. It, however. incorporates some aspects of non-fiction, since it discusses aspects of historical relevance and makes reference to actual places such as London. The text makes use of poetry in that, a large part of it makes use of poetical devices and structure. For instance, Count Dracula’s journals are written in a poetical manner. Drama is also employed in the text as it makes use of conversation in which Count Dracula’s goes for a job interview which is depicted in a dramatized fashion (Reed, 2006).

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