Computer Forensic Analysis
Discussion Questions
Computer forensic analysis is the scrutiny of information contained in and created with computer systems as well as computer devices, usually with the curiosity of knowing: what happened, when it occurred, how it occurred, and the people that were involved in the issue. Normally, the purpose of this process is to find out why a computer system has failed or why is it not working the way it usually does. A person may have tried to interfere with the computer system and this process would help them to find the suspects. With the development of technology, computer related crimes are on the rise. This ranges from hacking of accounts and websites as well as financial frauds and murder cases.
This essay analyzes computer forensic in details. Different parts are going to be covered, e.g. technology development and how it affects computer forensic, legal systems, and their view on forensic as well as benefits of having an in-house computer forensic capability.
Technology Causing Challenges to Computer Forensic Analysis
The development in technology has imposed many challenges to computer forensic analysis. Here are some of the challenges.
Firstly, computer forensic analysis faces hard time in getting the criminals involved in different crimes. Carrier (2006) asserts that the difficulty to locate these criminals emanates from the development of technology bringing about new software that they can use to hide their identities. According to Geschonneck (2008), despite the fact that technology helps the computer experts with tricks of catching up with the criminals, it also comes handy with the new tricks for criminals to apply.
Secondly, the change in technology causes computer illiteracy thus affecting computer forensic analysis. Normally, forensic analysis needs a person who understands the computers working system well; however, the change in the technology makes them illiterate and have to learn the new technology again before proceeding with their work.
Legal Systems in Relation to Computer Forensic
The legal systems in most countries state that every person is entitled to their own privacy. In line with that, nobody should intrude into the other’s privacy without his or her consent. The right for privacy is ideal and computer forensic threatens to break it. Glasvezel (2009) opines that computer forensic accesses peoples’ private world without their permission in the name of investigating. When the computer forensics are carrying out their investigation, they have to get permission from the person they want to investigate before they start their work. This helps in maintenance of the right of privacy.
Benefits and Issues of Having In-house Computer Forensic System
An in-house computer forensic system based in an organization has both benefits and disadvantages.
Benefits of In-house Computer Forensic Systems
One of the key benefits of having an in-house computer forensic system is that the company will enjoy an excellent working environment free from frauds, thus high output. According to Mike (2012), an in-house computer forensic system motivates workers to perform well since they are not concerned about the security issues but instead concentrate on their work.
Issues Associated with Having an In-house Computer Forensic System
Firstly, one of the basic issues is privacy concerns. Monica (2007) emphasizes that the law states that everyone is entitled to his or her own privacy. However, computer forensic system intrudes into other peoples’ privacy and this is why most organizations shy away from having them within an organization.
Secondly, acquiring and maintaining of a well-equipped computer laboratory with software is expensive. Williamson (2008) confirms that the cost of the computer forensic system for an organization approximates to $ 11,000 per unit.
To sum that up, computer forensic analysis is the inquiry of information contained in and created with computer systems as well as computer devices, typically for the interest of knowing what occurred. The development in the technology has imposed many challenges to computer forensic analysis. Additionally, the laws of different countries hinder the performance of the computer forensic systems. The legal systems in most countries state that every person is entitled to his/her own privacy and nobody should intrude it without his/her permission.