
1. The article ‘Thinking about youth poverty through the lenses of chronic poverty,

Life-course poverty and Intergenerational poverty’ seeks to investigate why the youths in many developing countries are living in abject poverty opposed to the other groups. The article evaluated poverty among various groups of people and concluded that youth and children form the largest part of the total population are the poorest. One of the causes of this incidence is chronic poverty of the parents. Parents of these children experience prolonged poverty, and this makes this group poor. Consequently, there are high chances that the children from these families will also experience choric poverty.

The major research question in this study is “How is chronic poverty among parents leading to a large population of youths and children living in extreme poverty?” The other research question is “What is the cause of chronic poverty?”

The article uses secondary data from research centers and reports from various governments and nongovernmental organization. The sample used was specifically from sub Saharan Africa.

The data is analyzed using percentages, tables, and pie charts. These statistical tools help in comparison of the collected data. The weaknesses of these tools are that they do not show the extent to which chronic poverty leads to large population of poor youths.

2. The article ‘Chronic poverty: meanings and Analytical frameworks’ address the issue of chronic poverty in developing countries. It specifically looks at the causes and the consequences of chronic poverty. The article defines chronic poverty as the poverty that affects individuals for a long period. The major research question of the study is “Does the region one lives in influence whether an individual will be chronically poor?” This question covers rural and urban areas of the developing countries. The other research question being addressed is “How is chronic poverty transmitted from one generation to another?”

The sample used in the study was countries in sub Saharan Africa and countries in south Asia, which are the countries that are mostly affected by poverty. Specifically, rural areas were investigated to achieve the results of the research. The research methodology used in the study involved evaluating secondary sources that gave information about the freedom and leadership of the countries assessed. The asset ownership of people in the countries was also evaluated.

Measures of relationship and measure of proportions were the statistical tools that were used in the study. It helps to show how chronic poverty is related to ownership of assets among individuals. Percentages were used to find out the proportion of people living below one dollar in the countries under study. However, these tools have certain weaknesses. Measures of used relationship do not show exactly how the value affects chronic poverty. For example, they do not state exactly that 50 percentage of chronic poverty can be explained by ownership of assets.

3. The article ‘Tackling Chronic Poverty’ looks at the causes of chronic poverty in developing countries, its effects and how it can be solved. According to the author, discrimination of girl children is leading to chronic poverty or extreme poverty in girl families. Another cause of prolonged poverty is inequality that exists between the poor and the rich. To deal with the problem, the article recommends that there should be specific programs targeting the poor people in the society. Social institutions should also avoid discrimination so that girl children can benefit economically. Also, there is a need to change leadership styles so that effective plans can be implemented to eliminate poverty.

The research questions being addressed in this research is: 1. What are the causes of chronic poverty? 2. What are the effects of chronic poverty? How can chronic poverty be dealt with?

The sample being used in the study includes ten developing countries such as Kenya, Uganda, India, Tanzania, and Ghana. The research used government reports and reports from nongovernmental organizations and international bodies to come up with the final report.

The statistical tools used in this study involve use of proportions such as percentages. These are important in making comparisons between countries. Graphs have also been used to make comparisons. Use of proportions is not effective since they do not prove the relationship between causes of poverty and poverty experienced by individuals in a country. It does not show the extent to which a certain variable causes poverty.

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