Do My Poster Presentation

If you ask our professional academic and custom writing company and our sophisticate experts, “Do my poster presentation”, we will do all possible to provide you with a high quality, unique, and, of course, creative piece of writing, which will impress not only your professor but also your future audience.

The representatives of scientific community often utilize posters in order to share their research / study findings, results or outcomes at symposia, conferences, as well as other important events. A decent poster is aimed at presenting key ideas or points of view in a concise, clear, coherent, as well as visually impressive manner. A poster is supposed to clearly communicate the most significant points of the study or research on the one hand, as well as lead to feedback, conversation, or discussion on the other hand.

Poster Presentation Template: Significant Info

Our online reputable and experience writing company provides an original poster presentation template that each student can apply in order to design his / her own one.

Tips on the slides design of a poster

  • A poster is supposed to be read easily from top left to bottom right, just like people read an ordinary page. Consider that it is imperative to maintain a perfect contrast and balance between the text and the background color. Try applying a dark text and light colors background. 
  • Keep in mind that the colors people see on a computer monitor will not be able to reproduce the same on the poster printed, as the settings of monitor colors do vary. A color shift of two to three shades can be expected.

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Hints on graphics of a poster

  • Take into account that the images that are copied from the internet or web have low resolution (about 72 dpi). They cannot be of proper quality for the printed poster. It is recommended to limit the resolution of the image up to 150 dpi in order to ensure its printability.
  • All images or photos (e.g., gif or tif are applied for transparency, whereas jpg is used for non-transparent images) are to be placed directly into the PPT or poster, and not linked or taken from another program. Consider that jpeg is regarded as one of the most preferred format used for images if there is no need of a transparent background.
  • If charts or graphs are taken from Excel, they should be simply copies and pasted into the poster.
  • Avoid enlarging the images or pictures after they have been placed into PowerPoint. In order to adjust a photo or an image and arrange proper proportion, it is necessary to hold the key entitled Shift” on the keyboard, then click, and drag all the corners to the scale.

Hints of the text of the poster

  • A cross-platform font is best to be applied so as to ensure a poster looks identical in every scenario. If an operation system-specific font, such as Windows or Mac, is downloaded, it should be embedded in PDF.
  • The title is to be the entire width of a poster, and the main text should be broken into several columns, depending on the poster size. Section headings or subheading are also recommended to be utilized within the columns.
  • Consider that sans-serif fonts are always applied in posters, in such parts as titles, headers, as well as subtitles. Times New Roman or Arial are most frequently utilized. Other fonts comprise Franklin Gothic Heavy, Arial Black, Trebuchet, Tahoma, Verdana, Garamond, Bookman Old Style, or Book Antiqua.
  • The font size can be adjusted depending on the amount and font of the text given on the poster. For readability, avoid using a font, which is smaller than 18 points.
  • For better consistency, all the headers and sub-headers should be of the same size. The same font size is recommended to be applied throughout a poster for all text of the body part.
  • If text is in provided in a different file, for example, a Word document, it is imperative to control that it pastes into the PowerPoint (PPT) text box so that it may be edited in case it is necessary.
  • Font Sizes Recommended by Section
  • Title should be from 72 to 120 pt;
  • Subtitles should be about from 48 to 80 pt.
  • Section headers should be from 36 to 72 pt.
  • Body text should be from 24 to 48 pt.

Poster Presentation Tips, Rules & Guidelines: Essentials

In the following article, you may find the most important poster presentation tips, rules & guidelines completed by our professional writers specializing in PowerPoint and poster preparation.

Rule 1: Determine the purpose of a poster.

The purpose is dependable on the nature, intent and status of the work that will be presented. Some posters can be created to be applied several times, whereas the others can be applied only once. Before commencing working on a poster, you are to give answers to such questions as, “What do I want people passing by my poster to do?” For instance, get engaged in a heated discussion, find out something new, eager to collaborate, etc. Consider that a poster is to be arranged accordingly and perfectly.

Rule 2: Attract People’s Attention.

It is imperative to focus on attracting people’s attention and making an unforgettable impression on them first with the poster and then the oral presentation. Always keep in mind the proverb: “There will be no second chance given to change the first impression made.”

Rule 3: The poster title is of great significance.

The title of a poster can help in selling the work done. It is usually the only thing the attendees of the conferences see before they reach the posters presented. The title is to make them eager to come closer and find out more. The title should pose a very decisive question, determine the research or study scope, or hint at novel findings. It should be clear, short, sharp, comprehensible, compelling and coherent to the public.

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Rule 4: Plenty of the rules and guidelines for completing a good essay can be applied to poster preparation as well.

Identify the future public and provide an appropriate depth and scope of content. For instance, a medical poster presentation, like an ordinary essay, should comprise such elements as the introduction, the main body, key results, and the conclusion.

Rule 5: Perfect posters have original features that are not pertinent to ordinary essays.

A poster requires distilling the work done, yet not losing a logical flow or message. A poster should be visible from a distance. It can be applied as a distribution medium for handouts, copies of the associated papers, or supplementary information. In the majority of cases the title of a poster can be published, which is wide spread or distributed. It is imperative to take advantage of all the unique characteristics of a poster provided.

Rule 6: Format and layout of a poster are very essential.

Each poster, for instance, a nursing poster presentation, should be very clear and logical from the very beginning to its very end. Any means can be applied to guide the public in transferring from one step or stage to another one. Guiding is to be eye-catching, creative, and unique. Try to create or design your original layout in order to astound your future audience. 24 point font is considered the ideal one for poster presentations. Consider that key points should be placed at the eyes level only.

Rule 7: Content of a poster is of great significance, it should be concise and clear.

Every detail on a poster, for instance, a psychology poster presentation or a research poster presentation, should assist in conveying the key message and essential points. The text is to follow the norms, rules and standards of scientific reporting: precision and clarity of expression, as well as words economy. Consider that word economy is of great importance because of the inherent space restrictions and limitations of a poster. Present obvious and clear conclusions right after the abstract to attract people’s attention. Only then they will focus on the results, which are followed by the methodology or methods.

Rule 8: Each poster should be a bit personal.

A poster is different from an ordinary paper, which is usually conventionally impersonal and dry. A poster should be an original extension of presenter’s personality. A poster should attract people’s attention and makes them look closer at a poster and have a chat or discussion with the presenter. Scientific collaboration or cooperation is often based on the shared scientific points of view, and personal interest.

Rule 9: A poster has an influence during and after the session or presentation.

When the considerable and fascinating efforts have been spent on completing a poster, avoid blowing them on the day of presentation by failing to do your best your poster will achieve a maximum effect. This can be reached in there is a splendid presenter–public interaction and cooperation. Do all possible to get people to be engaged; one involved and interested person is able to attract other people. Take into account that eye contact with each visitor is of paramount importance.

Poster Presentation Ideas

Our online highly trusted academic and custom writing company can assist each customer with poster presentation ideas if there is a need. Our professional and experienced specialists can prepare a poster presentation in a wide scope of fields of science and disciplines, for any level of education, such as high school, college, or university, as well as on whatever topic. If you order our professional poster presentation writing services, you should cease getting worried about original and creative poster ideas, needed material and information, the process of writing, and plenty of other stuff. We do guarantee that each poster prepared by our outstanding experts is of high quality, creative, and original. For instance, your nurse poster presentation will be 100% mind-blowing and amazing so that all visitors of the nurse conference would like to have a chat with you because of unique ideas touched upon in your work or research.

APA Poster Presentation

It should be noted that according to statistics, among numerous formatting styles, APA poster presentation is rated as the most frequently used one. If you refer to our specialists for assistance with your case presentation poster, they will do all possible to make it exceptional. Each requirement will be strictly followed, as well as all APA standards will be 100% kept to. With our writing assistance, support and guidance, you should forget about formatting and writing problems forever.


Benefits of Our Poster Presentation Writing Service

  • High-quality content and unique design

Our company does not have the practice of using copied or stolen content. Thus, we have our professional designers who are working at our poster presentation making service.

  • 24 / 7 / 365 Customer live support

Our customer professionals are available whenever there is a need, either at night or in the mooring, to help each student who needs our professional guidance, support, or assistance.

  • Multiple revisions, upon request

If the customer considers that the completed work should be revised, our hard-working professionals will do this as quickly and promptly as only possible.

  • Plagiarism and blunders-free poster presentations

Our professional writers and highly trained editors will follow that each work is error and plagiarism free. They also check whether it is well formatted and referenced, and all the requirements set are followed.

  • Competitive and reasonable pricing policy

One of our key priorities is to make our services affordable to each and every customer.

  • Fascinating team of professionals in their fields

We are very proud that we have managed to unite many highly professional, experienced and certified experts. We are proud of each of our writer, editor, proofreader or custom support representative and do all possible to provide them with various possibilities and opportunities for further self-development and self-improvement.

  • Policy on privacy, security, and confidentiality

If you commence cooperating with our trustworthy writing company and our specialists, you should not worry about your private information and all the details of our collaboration. With us, you are 100% well protected and well secured.

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